
大高雄電子商圈/專題報導 2012/01/20

Benefits of Medical Compression Stockings-2

Anyone who has an occupation or life style that requires a lot of standing on your feet or even sitting constantly in the same position for many hours a day is at high risk of having serious medical problems due to poor blood circulation. Poor blood circulation, especially in your lower legs, is often first detected in people with swelling in the ankle and foot area. This condition often leads to other venous medical complications, including varicose veins. However, the good news today is with modern technology and innovative research these conditions can be easily avoided, if not completely eliminated through the proper use of certified Medical Compression Stockings and or medically approved support hose.

Gradient compression stockings are actually stockings that gradually become tighter as they go down the leg, with the tightest pressure being around the ankle, resulting in providing a squeezing upward effect from your ankle area to the upper calf. This accurately controlled compression, which is gently given by the tightness of the stockings, actually helps in pumping the blood back into your circulatory system from the foot and calf muscle, rather than letting it pool there or in your feet which in effect causes the swelling that may eventually lead to valve damage in the veins often resulting in unsightly and inconvenient varicose veins.

It is interesting to note that the medical compression stockings and support hose, when they were first conceived way back in the days of Hippocrates, 460-377 BC, (the medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine) were first made with heavy wraps and even in the 20th century were thick support type hose that were hot, heavy, and uncomfortable to wear. However, with the advent of modern technology and with specialized machines, as well as materials, modern medical compression stockings have now become absolutely lightweight. In fact they are actually fashionable, and made to look chic just like many leading leg ware brands, while at the same time retaining their unique medical vascular health advantage. (See for many modern visual samples available for you online)

Given the wide range of compression stockings or support hose that are available today in the market, buying the right ones can be quite a challenging task. However, once you are able to determine what your medical requirements are for the use of the medical compression stockings, either through your doctor or health care practitioner, you will be able to determine which correct level of pressure will work best for your particular medical needs. In general, the stockings come in light, medium, heavy (or in some cases extra-heavy) grades of compressions. There is a simple dividing line between the support hose and medical compression stockings. Support hose have a compression level at or below 20 mmHg, while medical compression stockings are rated 20 mmHg or above. The mmHg abbreviation stands for millimeters of mercury and is the same unit of measure used in blood pressure. Support hose can be bought over the counter at just about any store or pharmacy. However, medically approved compression stockings may require a prescription and a fitting by a medical professional if the compression level is 40 mmHg or above and if they are custom made. These professionally made medical devices can only be bought through authorized distributors or online certified and approved manufacturers. If you want to be sure you getting an authentic medical compression stocking to meet your specific medical support needs be sure to check that your product is manufactured by a company that has received internationally approved certification from your government health approval agency (USA-FDA, Canada- Health Canada, etc) For a manufacturer with 35 years of professional experience with the highest quality of medically approved compression stockings please view such competitively price professional products at:

About the Author:

Ricky Lee is a Taiwan-based freelance SEO-Global Marketing Executive, medical researcher, and holistic health care advocate. (This article was edited and adapted from various internet sources)

Contact Information: Le Shin International Co., Ltd. medical compression stockings, medical stockings, compression stockings

TEL:+886 7 322 9710
FAX:+886 7 322 9719
Add:36 Sing-An St., San-Ming Dist., Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan (R.O.C)
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