


大高雄電子商圈/專題報導 2011/11/07

Jye-Heng Industry Ltd.–Taiwan Customized Wooden Picture Frames with High Quality.

Jye Heng picture frames,taiwan picture frames,picture frame factory,wooden picture frames   In these few months, economic problems has became a popular issue around the world, and the rise of unemployment and the inflation of daily supplies turned into hard tasks to every country. While business is negotiating about raising the price of their products, Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. took another strategy.

 Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, is a famous wooden picture frame factory. Established in the 1980s, it is now one of the most popular wooden picture frame manufacturers in the world. For the past 30 years, Jye-Heng has always insisted on providing high-quality picture frames from woods which were proven the high-end materials. What’s more, Jye-Heng took strict control during the process of production.

Jye Heng picture frames,taiwan picture frames,picture frame factory,wooden picture frames  No matter how hard the time it is, the CEO of Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. decided not to raise the price but to provide more high-quality wooden picture frames. “The market is very competitive, but high quality is our insistence.” said Mr. Wang.

  Due to “the high-quality only” strategy makes Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. win customers’ heart. Nowadays, customers from Europe, America, and Japan all come to Taiwan in person to take order. In the near future, Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. plans to put more emphasis on Internet Marketing. With the help of Internet Marketing from Come Best International CO., LTD, Jye-Heng is going to expand their market to the whole world.

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JYE HENG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. taiwan picture frames,picture frame factory,wooden picture frames

TEL: +886-7-7312727
FAX: +886-7-7312735
Add:No.3, Lane 7, Renmei Rd., Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County 83344, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


類別: Taiwan , Jye Heng picture frames , taiwan picture frames , picture frame factory , wooden picture frames, 高雄網路行銷, 高雄網站架設, 網路行銷, 網站架設, 網站建置, 網站企劃, 網頁美工, 網頁設計, 網站優化, 快建架站, 高雄網站建置, 高雄網站企劃, 高雄網頁美工, 高雄網頁設計, 高雄網站優化, 高雄快建架站


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